Seen the New TMC Website Yet ????
We have been busy again adding more content to the Website, The Latest updates include ;-
- New Top Menu layout giving quick access to all the existing and new pages added.
- Photo Gallery has been added in the “Other Stuff” drop down list.
- Quick Access drop down listing to view the current TMC Area Pages.
- New “Resources” Section to allow Upload and Download photos and content to and from the website (members only Area) you must be a registered user to access this section.
- Members can now add new “Post” directly to the site from either the Blog/News section or via the Members area. (subject to authorising by that administrators)
- Registered user “Admin Area” here you can add and edit your Profile for the TMC website. and view other members information.
Some of the New Additions to the site require “User Registration” If you havn’t already registered, Do it now it is very simple to complete and takes only a couple of minutes, No Great indepth registration form to complete just a few basic questions. All new registrations must be verified and authorised by the admin team to ensure the Area is kept to TMC Members only, You will receive an email once you registration has been authorised.