After the delays created by Covid, Caroline finally takes up the reins.
Lancashire Area are pleased to announce that after a long wait inflicted upon us all from Covid, the Area Officers have now taken up their new Positions.
Caroline Hurt takes over from Peter Calow as the Lancashire Area Chairman
Peter Takes up his new Role as Lancashire Area President from Chris Grime
Carl remains as Secretary, and Ken continues as the Treasurer
Well done Caroline long time since the club had a lady Chairperson enjoy the honor and look forward
To seeing you on the circuit.
Jim Bailey
National Treasurer.
Thank you Jim, 🙂
Congratulations Caroline its a long time since we had a lady chairperson, one never knows maybe we will meet at some point in the future at a Ladies evening
David Smithson
Past national Chairman 2008/9 Stoke area Chairman and treasurer of Stoke area for more years I care to remember.
Once again well done